Angry / Aggressive / FierceMood

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Medium paced, high-intensity, adrenaline-fueled guitar rocker. Dramatic, atmospheric & passionate combination of monster riffs, synths, strings and hefty grooves. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 80 BPM]

Smooth, cool hip-hop style beats groove as echoey synth pads and talkbox leads float above. Very laid back... until the chorus comes where blunt distorted guitars enter and steal the show. Has a funky yet mysterious, intriguing feel to it, and always seems to promise and deliver big changes in the future. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 86 BPM]

Slow, ethereal, slightly dark, bluesy, space-rock. Guitar textures combine with synths & hypnotic beats to make atmospheric blues-rock music that would suit cinematic / dramatic / mystery / thriller projects. Hints of Hendrix or Satriani. [Tempo: Very slow / 55 BPM]

Glitchy electro-funk. Deliberately 'messy' and raw. Inspired by pop/electro subculture, video games, digital glitch, robots/robotics etc. Good for commercials, contemporary cultural media and more. [Tempo: Fast / 130 BPM]

Set of 2 music loops
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  • $42.80

A determined and ominous, orchestral track featuring marching drums, staccato strings and brass and subtle choirs. Heroic, strong, glorifying, impending battle or gearing up for war. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 89 BPM]

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A determined and somewhat mechanical, staccato beat has given this track its title. It's a downtempo, funky, urban / hip-hop take on machines, robots, high tech mechanics, moving parts, metal and lights, in other words, everything that's cool in the world. :-) Very groovy and funky, with a dark side. [Tempo: Fast / 120 BPM]

Intense, drama-soaked orchestral rocker. Screaming strings and monster riffs combine to great effect. Full of suspense and powerful momentum. Contains guitars, strings, bass and drums. [Tempo: Medium / 88 BPM]

Electronic / Cars / Up-Tempo. This electronic number is in the style of many pieces typically found within Racing media. E.g Video Game Menu Pages. Formula-1, race track, high intensity and high speed media. Available with or without race car sound effects mixed into the music. [Tempo: Fast / 142 BPM]

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  • $30.25

A somewhat ominous and pompous sounding semi-orchestral track with chanting choir. Quick string runs, dramatic orchestration. Use with drama, fantasy, grand adventure, amazing discoveries, urgent / exciting cultural or historical, religion / cult, dark castle, mystery and mythology, etc. Unsettling, uneasy. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 80 BPM]

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  • $42.35

A rather dark and ominous amazement / drama track. Chanting choir, stabbing brass and percussion, a sinister undertone tells of perhaps religious rituals, cult, majestic uprising, dark magic or sacrifice, determined evil powers gathering. Dark history, mystery, mythology. Foreboding, threatening. [Tempo: Medium / 83 BPM]

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  • $44.40

An ominous, edgy, tense, semi-orchestral and semi-industrial action soundtrack. Orchestra with epic percussion, majestic sounding choir. Glorious / glorifying but also tense / terror / dark power, with a technology / mechanical edge. Good for dramatic trailers, modern and futuristic warfare, battle / fight, sci-fi and fantasy, action adventure, raw/violent sports footage and more. Also available as a Rock Mix with added power guitars and rock drums, and as an alternative version without the choir. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 136 BPM]

A truly epic, spine tingling piece of dramatic music. Glorious / glorifying with orchestra, slow, simmering rhythm and a male solo voice. The first minute is calm, building, pensive, whilst the second half of the track is a huge, massive, majestic, glorious climax with full choir added. Very emotional and captivating. Good for dramatic trailers, epic trailers, climax scene, fantasy and sci-fi, adventure and perhaps rituals, heroes, day of reckoning. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 68 BPM]

Intense, suspense-soaked, high energy, electro-rocker that mixes synth sequences with big guitars & monster. Driven beats. Would suit action/extreme sports/thriller type projects. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 120 BPM]

Exciting, intense, adrenalized, driven, electro rock with great momentum and energy. Synths combine with big guitars to make music suitable for sports/action/thiller/dramatic projects. [Tempo: Fast / 146 BPM]

Fast, exciting, intense, adrenalized, driven electro rock with great momentum and energy. Synths combine with big guitars to make music suitable for sports / action / thiller / dramatic projects. [Tempo: Fast, Very fast / 150 BPM]

Medium paced, high-intensity, adrenaline-fueled guitar rocker. Dramatic, atmospheric & passionate combination of monster riffs, synths, strings and hefty grooves. [Tempo: Medium / 75 BPM]

Fast, high energy, adrenaline-fueled rock music with great driven, motivating, forward momentum. Big guitars mix with pounding drums, synths , strings & soaring lead guitar lines to make music for action / extreme sports or thriller type projects. White knuckle ride. [Tempo: Medium / 160 BPM]

Edgy, dark & sinister electronic rock track with great atmosphere, forward drive & spacey textures. A mixture of synths, drum machines, acoustic drums, strings and intense guitar. Would suit action/thriller or sports projects. [Tempo: Medium / 120 BPM]

Attitude-filled, powerfully muscular, grungy, groovy, epic riff rocker with hints of Sabbath and Rage Against the Machine. Monster riffs, beats + an intense ending. [Tempo: Slow / 71 BPM]

Dark, powerful, medium paced, high-intensity, adrenaline-fuelled guitar rocker. Dramatic, atmospheric & passionate combination of crushing, monster riffs and massive grooves. [Tempo: Medium / 100 BPM]

Edgy, epic, spacey & powerful rock monster with electronic elements. At times slightly psychedelic, others quite dark & sinister. Always motivated, determined, intense & melodic. Would suit mystery/thriller/action/sports projects [Tempo: Medium / 75 BPM]

Epic, positive, uplifting, grand stadium rock. Huge, melodic guitars, monster drums & glorious strings combine to make big music with a sense of victory & overcoming adversity for sports / thriller / action type projects. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 140 BPM]

Epic, atmospheric, sinister & sometimes menacing rock track with electronic elements & strings. Stadium rock with a really glorious dark side. Would suit thriller / action / horror / mystery / extreme sports type projects. [Tempo: Fast / 160 BPM]

Intense brooding dark malevolant energy is what this track's all about. Uncertainty on the edge of a new exciting but dangerous journey. Great momentum from synth sequences and drums powers the track. Think early Nine Inch Nails meets Massive Attack. Contains synths bass and sequences , drum units and distorted synth lines. [Tempo: Fast, Very fast / 148 BPM]

A no messing rock and roll track. Straight for the throat. Huge guitars and a massive throbbing beat... all with a slightly unconventional revolving drum feel and eastern style guitar melodies. The tune gets more gradually intense as it goes on. The mid section breaks down to a tribal tom groove until the final chorus section explodes. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 158 BPM]

Heavy-weight power rock track with big guitars, big sound and a big impact. Powerful, aggressive, determined, high energy levels. Good for sports, extreme sports, motor sports, dramatic trailers, fighting / brawling, wrestling and more. [Tempo: Fast / 132 BPM]

Gutsy, fast and blazing guitar rock with a massive 'wall of sound', occasionally broken down to the raw basics before once again erupting into an inferno of hard rock riffs. Suitable for war and destruction, show of force, violence and aggression, extreme sports, motor sports, burning rubber, fighting, wrestling, brawling and more. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 120 BPM]

A pretty hard core and brutal, post-industrial, mechanical sounding hard rock track. Twisted metal impact with aggressive guitar chops in a blaze of fire and destruction. Violent, malevolent, determined and dominant. Use with mech warfare, war and destruction, fighting and brawling, extreme hardcore sports, violence and battle. [Tempo: Medium / 95 BPM]

Hard core, extreme hard rock / grindcore. Very violent / brutal. Forceful, determined, aggressive. Fast guitar riffing, doubling up on the kick drum for a machine-gun like rhythmic feel. Use with scenes of violence, destruction, war, extreme aggression, hardcore motor sports, extreme sports and dramatic trailers with an extreme / fiery / violence overload kind of feel. [Tempo: Fast, Very fast / 190 BPM]

Fast, heavy, high adrenaline, straight for the jugular, metal bruiser. great energy, motivation & relentless momentum. Would suit extreme sports/action/thriller/documentary projects. [Tempo: Very fast / 150 BPM]

Epic suspense filled orchestral rocker. big guitars mix with big strings and fat grooves. Would suit sports, action or dramatic project. [Tempo: Medium / 71 BPM]

Dark, sinister and powerful electronic track with great dynamics. Soft verses with hypnotic synth lines combine with a driving drum machine groove. The chorus comes and walls of dirty synths collide with strings, fat basslines and huge drums. [Tempo: Fast / 75 BPM]

Ten seconds of synth bass drama hail the entrance of monolithic downtuned monster guitars pile in and the riff-fest begins. The verse section's groove is based on a huge massive bass pulse groove and intriguinly mysterious synth pads. The chorus melds big guitars with a string section playing eastern scales, all quite exotic. As the mid 8 comes, the strings take over and add to the tension. finally a searing lead guitar enters and plays, all the while building the tension, until the end, when the strings say goodbye. [Tempo: Medium / 78 BPM]

Intense and uplifting tribal drum workout. African drum loops intertwine with vocals and kalimba. Energetic, driving and powerful. [Tempo: Medium / 120 BPM]

Irresistibly funky guitar based tune that makes your head nod and your foot tap. Big grooves, pimped-out feel and phatt riffs combine with spacey chords and hard driving choruses. Slightly reminiscent of Satriani and Nuno Bettencourt in feel. Contains guitars, bass and drums. [Tempo: Slow / 70 BPM]

Dramatic , medium pace, driving riff-fueled rocker. Think Foo Fighters meets the Boston Symphony Orchestra and you're in the right area. Would suit adrenaline sports / thriller type project. [Tempo: Slow / 67 BPM]

Siren synth sequences bring this track to life, before a huge drum groove joins them, taking the fever pitch higher. Finally incendiary heavy guitars collide into nail-biting life. A very groovy and powerful combination of sounds. [Tempo: Fast / 143 BPM]

Intense fuzzy and driving rocker with lead guitar taking the place of the lead vocal. Hints of Queens of the Stone Age, Satriani and Foo Fighters. Contains guitars, bass, organ and drums. [Tempo: Fast / 145 BPM]

Cool combination of huge lumbering grungey guitar riffs and ethnic vocals samples. Has a powerful, rich and sometimes menacing vibe to it... a statement of intent. The mid brings a long breakdown where drums and strings bubble under and twist their way back to an almighty riff attack. A real journey of a tune. [Tempo: Medium / 76 BPM]

Psychedelic intro then straight for the throat in this dramatically intense, stompy post punk riff fest. Think Foo Fighters meet Deftones. Contains lead and rhythm guitars, bass, drums and strings. [Tempo: Medium / 158 BPM]

A cool classical-style piano intro brings in walls of guitars. Very intense and powerful track with lots of distorted riffs and leads. Very slightly reminiscent of Muse but more metal than indie. [Tempo: Fast / 160 BPM]

Uniquely intense riff-fest with a Japanese flavour to it. Interwoven koto lines begin the track and are soon overrun by a huge deluge of distorted guitar riffs, bass and drums. These two groups of instruments dual and parry through the tune giving great dynamics and drama. [Tempo: Fast / 121 BPM]

Powerful, groovey and exciting electro-rock track. Twisted, bendy whamm-yed guitar lines and synth noises combine with pumping bass and monster beats. Has great power and drive. [Tempo: Medium / 110 BPM]

Down and dirty power-techno-rock track. Fast tempo, squelching synths, stabbing guitars. Plenty of breaks, stops, fills and sweeps. High energy level. [Tempo: Fast / 127 BPM]

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Spooky but charming, this is a fun and a little bit scary, Halloween-style royalty free music track combining rock and orchestral sounds. About half way through there is a nice "breakdown" section that cuts down to a few sparse sounds with spooky clarinet. [Tempo: Medium / 120 BPM]

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Don't let the rather slow intro-part mislead you, this is an intense, high energy, hard rock track with a dark side. We have a vocal version as well as various length instrumental versions and 5 flash music loops. [Tempo: Medium / 84 BPM]

Smokin' riffy guitar rock, classic 3-piece. Sports, action, extreme sports, excitement, etc. [Tempo: Medium / 116 BPM]

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A dark and pounding mixture of rock, industrial and electronic with an irresistibly groovy guitar lick. [Tempo: Medium / 96 BPM]

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Cut to the bone, a raw guitar riffin' track with a strong groove. Edgy, raw, sarcastic / ironic, aggressive. [Tempo: Medium / 100 BPM]

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