Welcome to Shockwave-Sound.com
High quality, curated Stock Music, Production Music, Sound Effects
New music and sounds added every week!

100% Human Created Music
No A.I. / Machine Generated music
Only real creative output by real humans

Free custom music editing service
Included with your license purchase, free of charge
we will customize a music track to fit your project length.

Stem files now available
Get more creative freedom and flexibility
by working with stem files for your music needs.

Carefully curated collection of music
Only hand picked, best quality music tracks from real musicians.
No free-for-all self uploading of content.

Custom solution just for you
If you have other needs, not provided by our
standard offer, contact us and we will work with you.

Great selection of Instrumental and Vocal Music
An amazing music library that also includes
Vocal Music in many genres

One single payment = Lifetime license
With us, you pay one time for the product you want.
No annual or monthly fees.

Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
Trouble free use of our music and sound-fx,
or your money back.

Allegro String Ensemble
100% live string quartet & string quintet
No computers, no samples

Official License document with every purchase
Instant download of music files and
your official License Document
Latest Royalty Free Music Tracks
Every track individually vetted and considered
We tweak the track to your needs
Games, Videos, TV, Film, Podcast, and more
With new music tracks added every week
for Cultural, Historical, Ethnic and Adventure projects
No annual or monthly fees
Nothing machine generated here
Shockwave-Sound.com royalty-free music & stock music Now offering a Subscription model For media creators who want to download and use a lot of music, we now offer “download as much as you want” subscription […]
We are happy to present some brand new music tracks that have only just come out of our talented artists’ studios over the past few weeks. These tracks are fresh, ‘hot off the master-tape’, have never […]
Did you know that Lynne Publishing (the music company behind Shockwave-Sound.com) has its own jazz and vintage pop band? Lynne Jazz Ensemble records not only its own original content in classic jazz combo […]
At Shockwave-Sound we can help you with sound editing, sound clean up, sound effects, sound design, vocal recording, voiceover production etc.
Thoughts and considerations when looking and listening for music that you can use in a Yoga class or for your personal Yoga practice.
We look at "stem files", what they are and how you can work with stem files to make the music more custom-fitted to your media project.

I LOVE your sound effect collections. Very, very high quality and exactly what I needed for my Flash games. Thank you!
Joseph Huckaby - GoldCartridge.com, USA

Jerome is an accomplished and experienced composer / musician / performer who has studied folk music from France, Morocco and Eastern Europe. He plays guitar and various other instruments, and has produced - among other materials - an album of French folk music for us here at Shockwave-Sound. Jerome lives in Niort, France with his family.
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