A collection of Ambient music with a haunting sound:
This album features 10 tracks of what we would call Nordic Ambient, or haunting, nostalgic, simmering Ambient Soundtrack music. Most of the tracks are composed by Swedish composer Alexander John Ericson, with one track each from Dane Forrest Obuchowski and Anthony Neil Putson, this music lends itself well to drama, mysteries, nature scenes and more. The music has a somewhat nostalgic, dreamy, melancholic sound, with a sense of longing and "cold" represented by artists like Björk, Sigur Ros.
In total there are 53 music files (from 10 different main compositions).
The price of the music collection includes a license to use the music commercially and in public, as per our License.
This downloadable product is a 553 MB .zip file containing all the tracks in full CD-quality uncompressed WAV files (16-bit, 44.1 khz). High Definition (24-bit) audio files are available on request.
This product contains music that is PRO-registered. (What's this?)