If you buy 5 or more ready-made collections, this would be a bulk order and we offer the following discounts:
Number of collections with Standard License: with Extended License* Any 5 collections: US$ 439.00 US$ 999.00* Any 10 collections: US$ 799.00 US$ 1999.00* Any 15 collections: US$ 1049.00 US$ 2499.00* Any 20 collections: US$ 1299.00 US$ 2999.00* More than 20 collections: contact us contact usThese collections are normally either $99/$129 each with Standard License, or $249/325 each with Extended License. Each collection typically contains 10-15 tracks, plus all the different edits/versions/cuts of every track, to give you options in editing (such as 60-secs version, 30-secs version, Loops, Stingers etc.) You can see a complete list of our ready-made collections here: https://www.shockwave-sound.com/stock-music-collections
The collections can be delivered to you as physical CDROM/DVDROM’s, on an external USB hard drive or a USB memory stick – whichever you prefer.
Should you be interested in taking us up on either of these offers, please get in touch with us. These “bulk orders” of 10-15-20 or more ready-made collections are not available to buy through the shopping cart on the site. You’ll have to talk with, us or email with us, to discuss your selections and arrange payment.
Royalty-free music collection from Shockwave-Sound
These are pre-packaged, ready made collections of music that we have put together at a considerably lower price than what each track would cost individually.
A collection of wonderful, cinematic, amazing World music for great journeys and discoveries.
A collection of 11 edgy and groovy Hip-Hop tracks for your productions.
A great collection of Light rock and Pop-rock tracks with a feel-good ‘wind in your hair’ type feel.
Long-playing, uninterrupted music background tracks for business, industry, science, technology, community and more.