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New look track display with “Find Similar Tracks”1 min read

Hello folks,

About a month ago we launched our new, powerful music browsing tool. This weekend we are pretty pleased with ourselves again 😉 because we are unveiling our new style track display. The new track design can be seen by browsing or searching any music on our site, and it looks like the picture on the left, with the new black headings for track titles and new-look “play” buttons. We hope you like it! Besides looking a bit cleaner, it is also more optimized and streamlined than the old design, so track display pages should now load a bit faster.

The real improvement here, though, lies in the [Find Similar] link that you can find on the bottom frame of each track displayed. Clicking on this link brings up our powerful Advanced Browse too, pre-filled with details of the track you were looking at – such as: Music genre, tempo-feel, moods/emotions, prominent instruments and suggested production types. From here, you can either tweak the criteria as you wish, or you can simply hit that “Submit” button and a new “Advanced Browse” will take place that looks for tracks with similar configurations as the original track. This should give you a new track listing with a whole set of tracks that should pretty much match up with the track you were looking at first.

Play around with it! We think you’ll like it. If you encounter any problems with it, be sure to let us know. And thanks for using!

Bjorn Lynne

BjĂžrn Lynne is a Norwegian sound engineer and music composer, now living and working in Stavern, Norway. He was also known as a tracker music composer under the name "Dr. Awesome" in the demoscene in the 1980s and 1990s when he released tunes in MOD format and made music for Amiga games.