Today’s music composers and producers have an embarrassement of wealth available to them when they are trying to “simulate” an orchestral performance. It’s not like in the late 80’s or early 90’s when we had synth units with the sounds “Strings 1”, “Strings 2” and “Strings 3”. Today’s composers tools consists of gigabytes of samples, […]
Creating Radio Ads with music & voice – tools of the trade
By Bob Harper Writing I’ve been creating custom radio ads, television commercial soundtracks and special audio pieces for over 26 years and have a few tips to help in creating your productions from scratch: I’ve seen so many people write copy and then go searching for that “perfect” music track afterwards and rarely, if ever, […]
New Prominent Instrument selection: Hang Drum
Recently we added a few new instruments to choose from when you are browsing our royalty-free music / stock music catalogue based on Prominent Instrument (e.g. you click on the blue “Prominent Instruments” button on the right-hand side over our site, or choose instrument from the Advanced Browse panel). One of the instruments we added […]
Using Reverb to enhance your productions
by John Radford Reverb in productions is probably for most composers the first ‘go to’ plug in and after effect, yet just as reverb can add a great professional quality and depth to your music, and can just as quickly ruin the production and make it sound ‘over produced’ and unprofessional. Reverb can often make […]
Surviving your first composing gig
By Richie Nieto Getting paid to compose music is every hopeful music composer/producer’s dream. Some make it into a full time job, others land one or two gigs and sees their dream fade away, yet others never even get a single paid music composing gig and give it up work in an office instead. Sad, […]
Maximizing Composer Agreements
by Kole Hicks *First and foremost, while this may be potentially applicable across various freelance disciplines, I’d like to mention that this article is being written from the perspective of a Composer who mainly works in the Game Industry (with some additional experience in the Production Music world). Furthermore, it’s always recommended to hire legal […]
Some older tracks being pruned today
This month we have added a huge amount of new music to As per our tradition, we follow up by removing some old tracks. We call it “pruning the catalogue”. Why do we do this? Because we made a decision when we started this business back in the year 2000, that we would not […]
YouTube, Copyright notices and YouTube Safe Music
Got a “copyright claim” on music licensed from us? If you have licensed a music track from and you get a “copyright notice” on your video, where the music ownership is claimed by some company (e.g. CDBaby, AdRev), first of all, rest assured that you’re not in any kind of trouble. […]
Custom Made Music service
We are happy to announce that as of this week, we are officially offering a Custom made music (also known as Bespoke music) service at Truth be told, we have sort of had this service available for a few years, but we have just dealt with it as and when the question came up […]
Choosing the right music for a Documentary
Now that there is a huge variety of mood music available, choosing the soundtrack to your documentary video project can present some exciting opportunities. This article gives some tips & guidance on how to use music to add vibrancy and impact to your production and still bring it in on budget. 1. How do […]