By: Kole Hicks If you’re like me, than you probably love to write music. However, you may eventually (if you haven’t already) run into the following issue: “Normal” sounds are not accurately expressing your muse’s intention. Now don’t get me wrong, I love the sound of a masterfully played grand piano or open chords strummed […]
Tag: author kole hicks

Mixing as part of the music composing process, Part 2
by Kole Hicks In part 1 of this 2 part series, the idea of combining the mixing & composition processes were introduced… “Pre-meditated Mixing” if you will. Many of the potential benefits were laid out and even a few arguments on when it may not be practical. Furthermore, a hypothetical Game Audio example was introduced […]

Mixing as part of the music composing process, Part 1
By Kole Hicks**In this article I refer to Mixing as if it includes all aspects of track production before mastering. Mixing is typically considered by the majority of people as the thing you do to “sweeten” the music after it has been written and recorded. Furthermore, the “Mixing” definition tends to only refer to what […]