The “Suggested Production Types” music browsing tool is something that we introduced to our site quite recently. We used to have just a list of Music Genres (Jazz, Rock, Classical, Ambient…) and nothing else. But searching for the right music for your project can be more complicated than that. You may not know exactly which […]
Tag: new website feature

New preview player with waveform display
We’ve designed and released a new and updated preview audio player here at Shockwave-Sound. The new player features a graphic waveform display so that you can see where the music gets louder and quieter. Useful if you need to plan the use of the music in your project, how it will match up with your scenes etc. […]

New look track display with “Find Similar Tracks”
Hello folks, About a month ago we launched our new, powerful music browsing tool. This weekend we are pretty pleased with ourselves again 😉 because we are unveiling our new style track display. The new track design can be seen by browsing or searching any music on our site, and it looks like the picture […]

New ways of browsing for music at
We’re very happy and excited to announce the new music browsing tool here at Our site and music catalog has come a long way since the first beginnings back in April 2000 and it was no longer enough to simply be able to look at a music genre and see hundreds or even a […]

New website feature: My Orders
Our new “My orders” page Dear users, This week we have launched a new website feature: “My orders“. This new page allows you to get access to all your current and past orders – with download links for all your orders. Our site has been online for almost 11 years now, and unlike many […]
Each track now has its own URL / link
A small site improvement at We’re occasionally asked if it’s possible to email somebody a link to a specific track at Shockwave-Sound.Now you can do this. When you are looking at a track listing, click on the actual (blue) track title. That takes you to a page which specifically displays only that track. The […]

New ‘Advanced Search’ feature at
Hi all, Until now, we have always just had a single, simple “Search” feature here at This was fine years ago when we had only a thousand or so music tracks and sound effects. But as the years have gone by, adding new music and sound effects every week, or catalogue has grown to […]

Random sorting option on Genre pages
Hello all, Keen followers of may have noticed that a new track sorting option has been added to all our Genre pages, and that this new Random order option has been made the default track ordering / display option when browsing our music genres. By “Genre pages”, I mean the page you come to […]

Non-watermarked preview files
Dear friends and customers, I would like to draw your attention to some new functionality we have on our website, which enables selected customers to get access to preview files without the voiceover watermark (“Preview…”, “Shockwave-Sound dot com…”) before actually buying the track. For obvious reasons, we are a little bit withholding with access to […]

Track tagging: Create a lightbox for music tracks or sound effects
Create your own custom ‘Favorite tracks’ page We are pleased to announce a new feature on as of September 2008. You can now “tag” or “bookmark” your favorite stock music tracks or sound-effect collections for later reference. A great feature if you come across a royalty-free music track that you really like, but you’re […]