I bought this Logitech H800 headset / headphones primarily for use in Skype conversations, but they have actually become my favorite all-round headphones, whether I work, walk, chill out, Skype, or talk on the phone. I was pretty happy with the headphones I already had (A pair of Bose QuietComfort 15 and a pair of […]
Tag: product reviews

Review: Samson Zoom H4 Handy Recorder
By Paul Virostek Introduction For decades it seemed professional sound recording was limited to cumbersome tape-based Nagra machines or DAT recorders that required agonizing real-time transfers. I have been recording Hollywood sound effects for over 13 years. Often I’ve heard a rare sound and wished I had a recorder handy to capture it a moment’s […]

Independent review of the Sennheiser 450 Noise Canceling Headphones
As a music composer, producer and sound engineer, I need a good pair of headphones. I’ve been using a pair of Sennheiser headphones for years that I was always quite pleased with, but with the number of computers, fans, servers, external hard disks and even hard disks in hardware outboard samplers around me, frankly, the […]