Recently we added a few new instruments to choose from when you are browsing our royalty-free music / stock music catalogue based on Prominent Instrument (e.g. you click on the blue “Prominent Instruments” button on the right-hand side over our site, or choose instrument from the Advanced Browse panel). One of the instruments we added […]
Tag: royalty free music

Happy Birthday To You – royalty free music? Actually, no…
We got a call from a customer who was looking to buy the classic “Happy Birthday To You” song as royalty-free music. We didn’t have the track and at first both the customer and myself found it a bit odd. But I found out that in fact this track is still under copyright to two […]

Browse music by historical eras
We’re always working on improving and diversifying the ways that you can browse and search for music here at, and this week we’ve added the possibility to browse for retro music by decade. By clicking on Suggested Production Types you can see a panel similar to the one shown here on the left. You […]

Royalty-Free music with real orchestra
The state of royalty free music / stock music has come a long way since the rather bland, generic sounding electronic tracks of the 1980’s. As the music library business has “grown up” so to speak, the talent, effort, time and money put into library music recordings have increased gradually. We are now at a […]
Track # 10,000 reached at
On June 7, 2011, we added track #10,000 to our royalty free music catalog. Track number ten thousand in our database was given to this rather nice & evocative piece of neo-classical piano + orchestra track by Yuri Sazonoff: At the time of writing this, it’s about 24 hours later and right now we […]

YouTube music use, music fingerprinting and advertising on YouTube videos
Hello all, We’re being asked a lot of questions about YouTube music use, YouTube’s “music recognition” system and how it relates to the use of licensed music, royalty free music, and “YouTube friendly music”, so I decided to write a few words about this somewhat complex issue. YouTube have developed a system in which they […]
When music tracks are removed from our catalogue
I wanted to write a little note about what happens when we remove a track, or several tracks, from our catalog of royalty-free music and why this is sometimes done. We like to try to keep our catalog fresh and current. When we started back in March of 2000, there were some stock music […] goes High Definition for stock music
It’s not 1985 any more. It has actually been around 30 years since the Compact Disc came on the market, we all went out and bought Dire Straits “Brothers in Arms” on CD and were amazed at the crystal clarity of the sound. And with the invention of the CD came the digital audio standard: […]

What is Royalty Free Music?
Royalty-Free Production Music – what does it really mean? Put in the simplest possible way, Royalty-Free Music describes a piece of music that you can use as much as you want after paying a one-time license fee. That’s the most important thing to know about royalty free music, and you could walk away from this […]

PRO-registered vs Non-PRO registered music
PRO Tracks means that the music composer and/or publisher is a member of a Performance Rights Organization (PRO). These tracks are royalty-free for nearly all types of use without the need for any further licensing but, in some circumstances, these tracks may require additional licensing from the PRO in your country. Examples of this would […]