Kole has written a nice article for our site, about how composers of original music for games, apps, TV and more can maximize their income and benefits of working under contract with a production company. In this article he shares several ideas and methods for setting up agreements that are mutually beneficial for composer and […]
Tag: video game development

Things to Consider When Scoring for Games, part 5
By Kole HicksThese articles are not intended to be a master source for everything one must consider (and how to prioritize them) when scoring a game, rather it will be a series of articles based off my experiences with each newly completed project. As I learn from the process, the other developers that are involved, […]

Things to Consider When Scoring for Games, part 4
By Kole Hicks * These articles are not intended to be a master source for everything one must consider (and how to prioritize them) when scoring a game, rather it will be a series of articles based off my experiences with each newly completed project. As I learn from the process, the other developers that […]

Things to Consider When Scoring for Games, part 3
These articles are not intended to be a master source for everything one must consider (and how to prioritize them) when scoring a game, rather it will be a series of articles based off my experiences with each newly completed project. As I learn from the process, the other developers that are involved, and write […]

Things to Consider When Scoring for Games, part 2
By Kole Hicks These articles are not intended to be a master source for everything one must consider (and how to prioritize them) when scoring a game, rather it will be a series of articles based off my experiences with each newly completed project. As I learn from the process, the other developers that are […]

Things to Consider When Scoring for Games, part 1
By Kole HicksThese articles are not intended to be a master source for everything one must consider (and how to prioritize them) when scoring a game, rather it will be a series of articles based off my experiences with each newly completed project. As I learn from the process, the other developers that are involved, […]

Choosing the right Classical music pieces for use in your project, part 2
This is a continuation of the article: Choosing the right classical music (Part 1) which you can read here. In part one of this series we looked at a list of 10 Bombastic classical pieces. Those huge, thunderous anthems that would sound great as an accompaniment to epic visuals & graphics or deep sonorous voice […]

Choosing the right Classical music pieces for use in your project, part 1
by Simon Power If you are a filmmaker or production house looking for a recognizable hook or sound bed for a visual presentation, then classical music can be a tremendous asset. The Classics can be used to add weight and depth to your project, instantly giving it a classy air of sincerity. Or they can […]

Bamba kids games line with audio from Shockwave-Sound.com
We recently worked with Mezmedia – a full-service interactive and multimedia studio, to create a unique “Audio Logo” for the animated logo for their line of kids games, “Bamba”. The brief was to create an audio stinger that was unique and that matched the animation: Fun, bright, a bit childish, and it had to incorporate […]