With our team of professional music composers, producers and artists, we are constantly working to add more new, fresh, high-quality musical content to our ever-expanding stock music library. Every track in our royalty-free music database can be licensed individually, and most tracks also exist on an album along with other tracks of the same general […]
Tag: wez devine

5 great new tracks from Wez Devine, October 2021
This week we have added 5 really great, brand new tracks, hot off the master studio press of Wez Devine! Working out of his professional home studio in Donegal, Ireland, Wez is one of our longest-serving and most prolific artists, having composed 356 tracks for our catalogue – so far! Wez is incredibly talented and […]

New stock music track releases from Wez Devine
Today we’ve released 4 brand new and sizzling hot royalty-free music tracks by Wez Devine. A punchy and heavy grooving Rocktronica track, a positive, summer party type Club/House/Dance track, a ruthless and wily Punk / Extreme Sports type Rock track, and a smooth, ‘understated epic’, inspirational corporate rock track. Please check them out in the […]