Ambient bells chime in fractal patterns. Relaxing and therapeutic. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]
Strange, otherworldly, and at times eerie - this ambient musical soundscape has both darkness and light. Floating, Dreaming, perhaps in an alternative reality. Good for sci-fi, space travel, hypnosis and more. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]
Thunder and rain tracks combined with Tibetan "bowl engines", glass pebble beach surf sounds, and quartz crystal bowl chimes create an atmosphere that will take you away from your normal plane of existence to a totally different one. For hypnosis, relaxation, therapy etc. The full length version of this track plays for an entire 1 hour continuously. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]
Tibetan Singing Bowl Drones, Ocean Wave sounds of two different types (one type per ear), combine with crystal bowl tones to create an immersive, relaxing soundscape. Good for yoga, guided meditation, hypnosis, etc. [Tempo: Very slow / 0 BPM]
Ambient, experimental music created with Fractal patterns. Tibetan bells, soft synth pads, and various nature sounds / soundscapes. This is a long playing track; the full length version plays for 17 mins 50 secs continuous. Suitable for hypnosis and ambient music, installations, underwater, sci-fi. Trance inducing. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]
Light, mysterious, slowly moving musical painting. Voice pads in vast open spaces. Floating and ambient. [Tempo: Very slow / 0 BPM]
Long-playing (34 minutes 11 seconds), ethereal, ambient music. Available with or without nature soundscapes mixed in with the ethereal pads. Suitable for hypnosis, therapy, relaxation, as well as for sci-fi, fantasy, underwater, otherworldly projects. Mystical, deep, elemental. [Tempo: Very slow / 0 BPM]
Ambient music / soundscape with tibetan bowls. Available with or without the nature sounds / sound-FX. This is a long playing track - the full length version plays for over 34 minutes continuous. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]