
Found 16 tracks

Johann Strauss Sr. - Radetzky March, Op. 228. Arranged and recorded exclusively for Lynne Publishing. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 0 BPM]

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  • $50.00

Strauss Chit-Chat Polka in G Major, Op. 214, Allegro. Recorded exclusively for by Abigail Mettry. [Tempo: Fast / 0 BPM]

IMPORTANT NOTE: Also Spracht Zarathustra / "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" was written in 1896 by Richard Strauss (1864-1949), and is not in the public domain in some countries. You may not legally license this track unless the copyright has expired in your country of residence. Please consult the following link and make sure that the required length of time has passed in your country, since the death of the composer: will not be held responsible for any copyright infringement caused by not following this advice. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 0 BPM]

J. Strauss - An Der Schonen Blauen Donau / The Blue Danube / Le beau Danube bleu / Sul bel Danubio blu. Arranged and produced by Roman Seekirchner of Seekirchner GmbH and conducted by Vladimir Kiradjiev. [Tempo: Medium / 0 BPM]

J. Strauss Annen Polka / Anna Polka / Polka francaise. Arranged and produced by Roman Seekirchner of Seekirchner GmbH and conducted by Vladimir Kiradjiev. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 100 BPM]

J. Strauss: Der Zigeunerbaron Overture / The Gypsy Baron overture / Lo zingaro barone Ouverture. Arranged and produced by Roman Seekirchner of Seekirchner GmbH and conducted by Vladimir Kiradjiev. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 0 BPM]

Strauss: Die Fledermaus Overture / "The Bat" overture / La Chauve Souris / Il Pipistrello. Arranged and produced by Roman Seekirchner of Seekirchner GmbH and conducted by Vladimir Kiradjiev. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 100 BPM]

Strauss: Dorfschwalben aus Osterreich / Village Swallows from Austria / Hirondelles des villages d'Autriche / Rondinelle dAustria [Tempo: Medium / 100 BPM]

Strauss: Gschichten aus dem Wienerwald / Tales from Vienna Woods / Legendes de la foret viennoise / Storielle del bosco viennese [Tempo: Medium / 0 BPM]

Strauss: Kaiser Waltzer / The Emperor Waltz / Valse de l'Empereur / Valzer dell'Imperatore. [Tempo: Medium / 0 BPM]

Pizzicato Polka, by J. Strauss (Jr) and Josef Strauss (Sr). Arranged and produced by Roman Seekirchner of Seekirchner GmbH and conducted by Vladimir Kiradjiev. [Tempo: Medium / 0 BPM]

Strauss: Unter Donner und Blitz / Thunder and Lightning / Sous le Tonnere et les Eclairs / Sotto tuoni e lampi. Arranged and produced by Roman Seekirchner of Seekirchner GmbH and conducted by Vladimir Kiradjiev. [Tempo: Fast / 0 BPM]

Strauss: Tritsch-Tratsch Polka / Chit Chat Polka / Polka rapide. Arranged and produced by Roman Seekirchner of Seekirchner GmbH and conducted by Vladimir Kiradjiev. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 0 BPM]

Strauss: Radetzky Marsch / Radetzky March / Marche de Radetzky / Marcia Radetzky. Arranged and produced by Roman Seekirchner of Seekirchner GmbH and conducted by Vladimir Kiradjiev. [Tempo: Medium / 0 BPM]

Johann Strauss (Jr.): Frühlingsstimmen (Voices of Spring) in B-flat major, Op. 410. Music performed and recorded exclusively for Lynne Publishing. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 0 BPM]

The very famous and universally loved The Blue Danube waltz, also known as An der schnen blauen Donau, by Johann Strauss II. Recorded exclusively for by D Hamilton. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 0 BPM]

Found 16 tracks