These messages are all spontaneous and unsolicited. We do not write around asking for testimonials.
Your site is awesome, and it's been the ONLY place I've gone to whenever I've needed music tracks for my productions, for at least 8 years now.
Thank you so much for all your efforts, your customer service response is excellent.
I spent 2 days looking for sites to purchase music for a project we are working on. Your site was by far the best I found for what we were trying to do.
I am a video producer and have spent many many MANY hours searching for good-quality royalty- free music. I keep coming back to Shockwave-Sound.Com because of the amazing value you provide. The quality of music for the price you set is unbeatable in my book. Keep up the good work!
I LOVE your sound effect collections. Very, very high quality and exactly what I needed for my Flash games. Thank you!
Thanks for the excellent music loops; they were perfect and helped maintain my high quality standards! First class composition, production and delivery. I will definitely order from you again.
Thanks so much! You can bet I will be back again to buy more sounds, and I will be talking up your site to my friends.
Your music is saving my project from disaster. Thank you..thank you!! For the high quality and musicianship I could not afford otherwise.
Thanks for your excellent service. I will definitely use this service again soon.
It was a pleasure doing business with you. I am very excited to have found your website and have bookmarked it for future use. Your music is great. Your site is very well organized and easy to use and the turnaround time was fast. Thank you.
Your product line is quite diverse, extremely well done, and your website is a pleasure to use. I appreciate your contribution to our television properties, and look forward to working with you again in the future.
I am writing to tell you how much I enjoy using both your company and your company's music. Not only is the music excellent, but you always respond to any question I may have in a very timely manner. I recommend you to everyone who asks for a stock music source now. Every time I have a new project, I turn to Shockwave-Sound.Com first! Thought you'd like to know.
You have a fantastic website that I've used many a time. Thanks for the brilliant service.
I have to say in my search for music, that your work is definitely the cream of the crop. I searched high & low for pieces that were high-quality without the pricing, and yours fit the bill exactly!
I would like to let you know that I’m happy that I found your site on the Internet; I have tried at least 3 other companies which sells royalty-free-music, but was never satisfied till I found you. I have bought at least 6 songs from your site, which has been used for my web-sites which I make both for personal and professional use and I’ll promise that I will return again.
Great music and a great site. I'm putting together a Flash presentation and searched the web for royality-free music. There were lots of sites, but Shockwave-Sound was by far the best. I like the wide variety of selections you offer and the fact I can try them out.
I love shockwave-sound. I have used it for many years for music for shorts, films and sketches. You have a huge selection, easy to use and it never sounds like cheesy royalty free music. You can put a track in and it can sound like it was custom made for whatever you are scoring.
I phoned earlier because I was considering buying one of your CD's but I wasn't sure how long it would take to arrive. After I contacted you I noticed that you include a download option along with the mail option. Very handy! I purchased the CD and immediately downloaded the files. I couldn't be more pleased. Your sound is terrific and couldn't be easier to work with, even for a novice like me! After adding up the number of slides, I put some loops together and synced them with my slide show. It came out better than I could have imagined. I can't believe how quick and easy the process was. Your product rocks!
It is a pleasure doing business with this company!
You are providing a great service and it was enjoyable to search for audio on your site. We found exactly what we needed which gave the appropriate moods. I will be using your site for further production of services that we provide to our customers. Thanks again!
I look forward to doing more business in the future and recommending your service to my colleagues. I checked many other sites and think your library and offerings is remarkable! Thank you so much! Very satisfied customer so far!
Thank you very much and congratulations for your site: it's the 5th time that I've bought music from you and I'm very satisfied.
just wanted to say how much I appreciate Shockwave Sound; as a website, it's quite impressive—it’s so helpful, with a fantastic selection of tracks, and it’s totally user-friendly. We independent filmmakers are all indebted to you and the other composers for what you’ve created. is a great site, and not only do we use it ourselves, but we also suggest it to customers and friends. You all do an amazing job there, so please extend my congratulations to all your composers and artists, working at Shockwave-Sound.
I just want to email you guys to say how thankful and pleased I am with your site You make my life easy and for that I'm thankful. Keep up the excellent work.
Thanks for the excellent turnaround and equally professional tracks! Keep up the great work & thanks again.
We plan to be using much more of your music in the future-- you really have the BEST soundtrack music on the planet! It all sounds so fresh and vibrant (or moody) , and not 'canned' at all. I just don't want to waste my time on any other royalty-free music sites.
We really enjoy your service! Your site is very easy to navigate, the prices are quite fair, and our clients like the selections we send them for review. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for your terrific music library. I love how easy it is to use, and how easy it is to pay via PayPal, and that the licensing is clear and simple to comply with. I also appreciate that you have different music from everyone else with a strong selection of world music. has been a favorite resource of mine for several years now.
Thank you, I am very happy with your product!
Because of your kind and considerate actions (as well as your website's clarity of explaining the uses of royalty-free music) you've won the customer loyalty of me and my business. We'll most likely be needing more music again (after all I'm still looking for that classical music piece --Johann Pachel's Canon in D major). And if anyone is looking for music, they'll sure get my endorsement, recommendation, and referal to you and
I think that the site is wonderful. My father and I (both involved in film production) use constantly, and virtually always find something to suit our needs. It's by far our favorite of all the royalty free stock music sites.
Thank you for a wonderful product and a smooth transaction.
I would like to thank you from my staff here at NW Digital Video Productions on the variety and quality of your music. Our business is producing videos and electronic slide shows in DVD format for small companies and personal adventures in life's memories of personal events. We are using the Honolulu Honey music in a video with Ken Burn's effects for a customer who spent 2 months exploring the Hawaiian Islands. It filled a gap that we were lost for music in this video. We are planning are purchasing more music in the near future as soon as my staff has reviewed and made the selections for our music library. Thank you again, and I can say you have a new customer for as long as we are in business. has fantastic customer service organization. I explained my problem to you and you responded to my request immediately. I looked at my American Express account online this morning and I see you provided me with the credit of $19.95 I requested. is one of few companies that I have dealt with lately that has exceptional customer service organization. Keep up the great work.
Thank you for your time, effort and cooperation in this matter. You have been extremely helpful and have responded in a timely fashion. It has been great doing business with you. There are two more projects on the table right now. If and when I get approval, your site will be the one I visit for my music choice.
The downloads were super easy and the quality of music was wonderful. Thanks again for your quick responses to my order and additional inquiries. I needed some fresh music quickly to finish the project and was under the gun. The smooth layout of the site coupled with your timely responses made my expeirence enjoyable. Thanks again.
Thank you so much for the quick turnaround. You guys really go out of your way, and we appreciated that. We will continue to use you when we need voiceovers, and as always for music and jingles, as your site blows away the competition in that area. Thanks again and hope to work again soon.
Congratulations on the development of an excellent site. has served as a helpful, essential resource to locate tracks for client projects, documentary films and in-house productions.
Honestly I believe I have heard of a customer service level this high in stories but never believed it could be true. I have already sent an email recommending shockwave-sound to everyone I work with. The quality of the music is amazing and the service even better. I can't say enough good things.
I'm an editor/director/producer working on many varied projects. I've been turning to Shockwave-Sound.Com for years now because the songs actually feel like songs, not tinny elevator stuff.
Just wanted to take a second to say thanks for helping me out with my purchase. I really appreciated your quick responses and the ease of use of your system. Looking forward to purchasing from you again in the near future.
I just purchased one of your sound sets and I just want to say that I am extremely happy with the whole process. The sound quality of the wav's is excellent, the price is right, and the payment was straight-forward and simple. Thanks!
My name is Shannon and I work for Snowtrax Television. For our first episode of Snowtrax 2010 we used some songs from We plan to continue the use of your website for the rest of our season as we are very pleased with the variety and quality of the songs available.
I'm a freelance game designer, and with my experience in the field I know that when setting the mood for a scene in a game, proper music plays a key role. Any popular game you see today will have well-timed music loops placed in just the right locations in order to be most effective. The music and loops found on are exactly what I need to set the proper mood. Giving the player the feeling that the music sets is what makes a game great, and I intend to ensure that every bit of music I buy from is put to its fullest potential. Great prices, great music, and an absolutely phenomenal site. You can expect me to be a returning customer, for sure!
I just wanted to tell you that I think your product, service and website are great. You have such great selections that I had a bit of difficulty deciding which one to use. Your FAQ's section was very helpful for a neophyte like myself. Thanks so much.
We have used many different royalty free music outlets in the past and are currently looking for one source to supply all of our production music. I heard about your company through a friend of mine who produces for a major network. He spoke highly of your site and it's content. I found your selection vast and very useful. Recently I used two of your tracks for two of our most recent television commercials. The music fit perfectly and was a big hit with the clients, and customers.
Your stock music website is by far the most inclusive and easiest to navigate of any I've looked at--and I have looked at quite a few! Thanks for your help, your quick reply, and a great selection of music.
I just purchased and downloaded yet another set of loops from you guys. The quality on your loops and sounds is unrivaled in this industry. The loops always sound just as crisp on export as they do when I'm listening to them on my media player. In short... I love! May your .com always grace the internet.
It was great doing business with you. Thanks for the personal attention, it got me out of a jam. I will use Shockwave-Sound.Com all the time now!
I was so happy to have found As a webmaster for quite a few years, I've always struggled finding quality music loops and sounds. Your website is a heaven-send and I will certainly use it in the future.
I wanted to write in personally and say what amazing work you guys put out to clients such as myself. My radio show sounds different from all others and your unique style gives us the unique sound that all Country listeners are trying to find!
Thanks for the quick response time and great finished product!
Thanks for the prompt reply and awesome service that your site provides. It really stands head and shoulders above any of the competition.
I just wanted to thank for the convenience of downloading music which enabled me to create quality You Tube videos.
I buy a LOT of stuff online and have to say that your shopping cart is excellent and works perfectly and quickly. I also like the way you all have laid out the music. It made it quick and easy to go quickly through the genre and listen to all the songs then go back through, listen again to the ones I was interested in and then put them in the cart. I'll visit you first the next time I need music of any kind.
I just wanted to say how much I love your music and how much I appreciate the composers who add to it. I dearly look forward to getting the newsletter with added tracks each month. It is a real thrill to go through them and be inspired for my video projects. Thank you so much.
I use your site for all my musical production needs, and heard of you by word of mouth from a friend. He highly reccommended your site and I have never had need of another since. I now tell everyone about your site also, and I believe one of my production contacts bought an album a few days back. Your team has always been helpful, your terms of legal use are easy to understand and have no "small-print" loopholes, and your music is of the highest quality only. I am very happy with your site, with the three collections and several sound effects I have purchased, and I will continue to go to your site for all my production sound needs. Thanks for being so great!
I have, over more than 10 years of using, found your service to be absolutely fantastic.
Thank you so much for the quick response. I appreciate your customer service. I just want you to know that I use your music almost exclusively for my productions and I have always been able to find excellent pieces that fit the content of the videos perfectly. Keep up the great work.
I must say, the quality of the music you provide, coupled with the very reasonable prices you charge make your music the best deal going. Wonderful, fast service, too! I look forward to using your music on future projects.
Great service and good price.
My colleague Tom and I often wonder if you'd like to see how we use Shockwave-Sound music in our work. We're massive fans of your library, and have been using your service for years. On this occasion, we thought you definitely should see your music in action! Thanks for providing a great music library service, and we will continue to use Shockwave-Sound for as long as you are around (which, we hope, is forever!).
I love your site, and your music. The preview tracks load so fast (which sure is important when going through the arduous task of finding music), and the selection is great. I do plan on using your site a lot more. Thanks again! You've made my day.
I appreciate your willingness to work with me on this and you have earned my future business from a customer service standpoint, as well as an exceptional catalog of music.
I am extremely happy with my experiences with your company and find it very easy to navigate and download your music.
I have only just started using, having today made my second purchase of audio for my Youtube channel content. The communication and response times are incredible. Just today, I needed audio to suit a video of mine that was 20 minutes long, the staff understood my needs and edited the track I purchased to resolve my problem in no time. Overall, I am very happy. Thank you!
It has been such a pleasant overall experience shopping at your site.
As a designer who uses music extensively to promote the emotional in a website rather than strictly visual, I wanted to tell you that I think your music loops are fantastic. I like them much more than what I've heard on other sites. Keep up the good work!
I think your site is fantastic and very user friendly with easy to order/download. I have used it a few times for my stock music needs and look forward to your growing your library. Thanks again.
I love your site. I don't do a whole lot of animation but when I do, Shockwave-Sound is the first place I look. The quality is excellent and your classification system makes it easy to find the kind of sound I'm looking for. The prices are excellent; so good, in fact, that it's much more cost effective for me to go to your site, find what I want, and pay for it, than to go to one of the free music sites and spend a lot more time searching through a bunch of badly classified and often low-quality music to find the right tune. Now I can add "excellent communication and support" to the list of reasons why I love
I'm sure I'll be back and I'll bring some friends with me. Nice site... good tunes... good prices. Thanks a lot!