Lynne Sound FXArtist

Found 187 tracks, displaying page 1 of 4

Contains 30 short "musical sound effects". These are short "musical sound effects" in the same vein as Entourage/Outlook "new mail" sound, etc. Short, pleasant sounds for events such as software startup, login, client connected/disconnected etc. Also very suitable for company logo splash-on, visual transitions, etc. These jingles range in length from very short (less than 1 second, "you have mail!" ping! type sounds, up to longer, swirling piano sweeps - "company logo", etc. Other uses for these could be TV game shows, Powerpoint presentations, slideshows, greeting cards, etc. etc. All 30 jingles have a soft, warm, pleasant sound. You can also use these to create a brand new Windows sound scheme and replace all the standard Windows sounds (new mail, startup, shut down, error, etc. etc.) [Tempo: Slow / 0 BPM]

A full one-hour uninterrupted nature sound recording, available either with or without ambient relaxation music. Peaceful cicadas, crickets sing into the quiet evening. Great for relaxing, stress reduction, nature ambience, etc. This relaxing soundscape is available both with and without gentle relaxation music mixed in with the sound of the crickets. [Tempo: Very slow / 0 BPM]

This is a package of 45 sound effects, motion fx, hits/impacts and background textures for use in production of Trailers, Commercials, Splash Screens, Flash animation, Company logos and more. These unique and highly "active" sounds will bring an extra level of energy, and a sense of motion/action to your visuals. The "Effects" are especially useful as Idents / Company Logos, where as the "Textures" are useful as underscores in Film, TV, Games, Horror/Scifi and more. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: Slow / 0 BPM]

All above 45 sounds: Complete LYN115 Trailer Production Elements
  • $36.00

A full one-hour (60 minutes) continuous, the uninterrupted sound of an English country garden with a rich orchard and lively sound of small birds chirping happily. A quaint, cosy and very relaxing nature sound. It comes either with or without, the addition of pretty, reflective, Ambient music by Bjorn Lynne -- composed especially for this hour-long refreshing and relaxing Garden Birdsong experience. [Tempo: Slow / 0 BPM]

60 minutes continuous relaxing forest ambience, with or without music. Let the world go on without you for an hour, and experience the bliss of a one-hour escape to a peaceful forest haven -- with or without gentle piano background music. [Tempo: Very slow / 0 BPM]

60 minutes continuous relaxing seaside ambience, with or without music. Small waves wash up on the pebbles and trickle gently back into the sea. Occasional distant seagulls and small birds make this lyrical soundscape perfectly relaxing -- with or without gently melodic piano and flute music. [Tempo: Very slow / 0 BPM]

Both versions (2 hours)
  • $26.00

A full one-hour nature sound recording, available with or without beautiful relaxation music. After walking for hours into peaceful nature you come across a sparkling fresh mountain stream, where crystal clear water trickles playfully between the rocks. The supremely refreshing and relaxing sound of the stream is only accompanied by occasional distant birds, singing carelessly and taking absolutely no notice of you. You sit for a full hour, taking in the beautiful surroundings and enjoying the calming, soothing sound of the stream which leaves you perfectly refreshed, rested and reinvigorated. (The music that plays on the version with music is called 'A Journey Within' and this is also available separately as a full one-hour music track without the nature sounds. To find it, simply search our catalogue for 'A Journey Within'). [Tempo: Very slow / 0 BPM]

Enjoy an hour-long sound of cleansing and refreshing rainfall with occasional thunder cracks and rolls. This uninterrupted, one-hour, 100% natural sound recording of a steady rain with thunder claps is available either with, or without, the addition of warm, reflective, Ambient music by Bjorn Lynne -- composed especaially for this hour-long refreshing and relaxing experience. [Tempo: Very slow / 0 BPM]

60 minutes continuous relaxing and cleansing rain ambience, with or without relaxation music. The calming, soothing and cleansing sound of rain falling onto hard ground and leaves. Trickles from tiny streams bringing the water to the river. In this full one-hour uninterrupted, pristine sound recording, the rain never lets up, but in very slow, almost unnoticable changes, eases off slightly for a few minutes, before slowly, gradually building in intensity once again. Occasional distant thunder rumbles. After listening to this one hour soundscape, your mind will feel cleansed, invigorated and supremely relaxed. [Tempo: Very slow / 0 BPM]

60 minutes continuous relaxing campfire ambience, with or without music. Soothing sounds of a crackling campfire and outdoor evening ambience. Distant crickets and frogs, occasional birds. 100% natural, beautifully recorded, nature evening ambience -- with or without gentle acoustic guitar music. [Tempo: Very slow / 0 BPM]

Both versions (total 2 hrs) (2 hours)
  • $26.00

50 WAV files (stereo, 48 khz) with hi-tech, futuristic sounds of buttons, panels moving, menues, drop-downs, etc. Very suitable for animated Flash menues, multimedia or DVD menues etc. with a very slick professional sound. Sounds include electronics, hydraulics, metallic noises, steam release, computer panels, etc. As with all our sounds, each sound is unique and custom created by Shockwave-Sound.Com. [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

67 bird sounds captured from live birds in the New Zealand wilderness. A few are "fantasy" type generated bird sounds. You'll hear exotic birds such as the Tui, Kea, Kiwi and Morpork, all iconic New Zealand birds. Less exotic birds are also included, such as duck, sparrow, rooster etc. Give your project a real "wildlife" feel with these sounds. BirdsLoop, Call1, Call2, Call3, Cuckoo1, Cuckoo2, CyberMagpiesST, DuckCall1, DuckCall2, DuckCall3, DuckChirp1, DuckChirp2, DuckFlyST, DuckHonk1, DuckHonk2, Flutter, KeaCall1, KeaCall2, KeaCall3, KiwiCall1, KiwiCryST, Magpies, Morepork, MoreporkST, Peep1, Peep2, RoosterCrow, Sparrow1, Sparrow2, Sparrow3, Sparrow4, Sparrow5, Squeak, Trill1, Trill2, Trill3, TuiCackle1, TuiCallST1, TuiCallST2, TuiCroak1, TuiCroak2, TuiCroak3, TuiCroak4, TuiCroakTweet, TuiFlutter1, TuiFlutter2, TuiFlutter3, TuiKiss1, TuiKiss2, TuiLaugh1, TuiLaugh2, TuiPeep1, TuiPeep2, TuiPeep3, TuiPeep4, TuiSong1, TuiSong2, TuiSong3, TuiTweet1, TuiTweet2, TuiTweet3, TuiTweet4, TuiTweet5, TuiWeep1, Tweet1, WekaCall1, WekaCallsST. [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

71 long and short metallic hits, rollovers, hovers, whooshes, slides and other metallic effects. All taken from real metal objects like wrenches, steel bars, cans, tins, anvil, plate, pipe, saw and more. All the files are in stereo for extra depth. 44.1 khz, stereo WAV files. CanCrunch1, CanCrunch2, CanCrunch3, CanCrunch4, CanCrunch5, CanHit, CanDrop1, CanDrop2, CanDrop3, CanDrop4, Tap, Ding1, Ding2, Ric, Tap, GrilleFall, WrenchFall, WrenchMove1, WrenchMove2, GrillDrag1, WireDrop, FenceBang, FenceHit, NutDrop, NutJar, NutQuickJar, Scrape, ScrapeLong, ScrapeShort, TinDrag, TinPull1, TinPull2, TinDing1, TinDing2, Drill2, SawWaffle1, SawWaffle2, SawBend1, SawBend2, SawHit1, PlateDrag2, SingOut1, PipeDing, PipeRoll, PegRattle, JarDink, JarRattle, PegsDrop, PlateDrag3, PlateDing1, PegDrop1, PlateDing2, PlateDrag4, PlateRattle, LightDing1, LightDing3, LightDing4, CupDong1, CupDong2, ClampSlide, ClampDrop, BenchRattle1, WrenchDrop, ToolDrop, LongDing, LowWronk, SmallAnvil, LowPlate, HighTap, MedAnvil, SmoothSlide.

Copyright notice: All sounds on this site are under copyright. The previews may not under any circumstances be used in any commercial or non-commercial product. After purchase, the purchased sounds may be used by the original purchaser only, and may not be copied, sold, given or hired to any third party, except as part of your own production. Any violation of these terms will be pursued legally. [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

67 futuristic and technology oriented hits, beeps, clinks, button presses, claxon, switches, swishes, wipes, blips and servo sounds -- for a sci-fi sounding interface. Access1, Access2, Access3, Beep01 long, Beep01 short, Beep02 long, Beep02 short, Beep03 long, Beep03 short, Beep04 long, Beep04 short, Beep05 long, Beep05 short, Denied1, Denied2, Keypad01, Keypad02, Keypad03, Keypad04, Keypad05, Keypad06, Keypad07, Keypad08, Loop hum, Release1, Release2, Release3, Release4, Scarey1, Scarey2, Scarey3, Servo01, Servo02, Servo03, Servo04, Servo05, Servo06 sml, Servo07 sml, Servo08 sml, Servo09 sml, Servo10 sml, Servo11 sml, Servo12 sml, Servo13 sml, Servo14 sml, Servo15 sml, Swish1 LtoR, Swish1 RtoL, Swish1, Swish2 LtoR, Swish2 RtoL, Swish2, Switch sml01, Switch sml02, Switch sml03, Switch sml04, SwitchTV1, SwitchTV2, SwitchTV3, SwitchTV4, SwitchTV5, SwitchTV6, SwitchTV7, Transit01, Transit02, Transit03, Transit04 Error

Copyright notice: All sounds on this site are under copyright. The previews may not under any circumstances be used in any commercial or non-commercial product. After purchase, the purchased sounds may be used by the original purchaser only, and may not be copied, sold, given or hired to any third party, except as part of your own production. Any violation of these terms will be pursued legally. [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

A huge collection 178 different sounds for Poker, Card Games, Board games and and Dice games. Poker chips sounds, card dealing sounds, card shuffling sounds, dice sounds, and much more. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 178 sounds: Complete LYN091 Poker, Cards & Dice, both High-Definition files and CD-quality files (total 356 WAV files)
  • $65.00

23 sound files recorded in New York City. All are WAV files in 48-khz, 16-bit, stereo format. Traffic, parks, subway, construction, crowds, etc. [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 23 sounds: Complete Traffic & City Ambience, Set 4: Sounds of New York City.
  • $20.00

A collection of 76 sounds of playing Billiards (Pool, Snooker). (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 76 sounds: Complete Pool Sounds, Set 2
  • $27.00

A collection of 34 winter sports sounds. Skis, snowboards or snow sledges slide and grind on snow and ice. Alpine, downhill, skiing, snowboarding, etc. These sounds are in stereo, except where specified as (mono). [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 34 sounds: Complete Skiing & Snowboarding Sounds, Set 1
  • $20.00

A collection of 21 traffic sounds and city ambiences. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 21 sounds: Complete Traffic & City Ambience, Set 5
  • $16.00

A collection of 26 outdoor ambiences recorded on-location, ranging from evening crickets chorus, icy wind, forest, beach, seaside, farmyard, etc. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 26 sounds: Complete Nature & Environments, Set 3
  • $19.00

A collection of 21 sounds of running water. Rivers, streams, creeks, brooks, water fountain, etc. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 21 sounds: Complete package LYN075 Rivers & Streams
  • $16.00

A varied package of miscellaneous sound-fx. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 53 sounds: Complete package LYN076 Various Sound Effects
  • $28.00

A collection of 51 sound effects of door opening, door closing, windows opening, closing and sliding, keys in lock and other related sounds. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 51 sounds: Complete LYN077 package
  • $23.00

A collection of 50 high-tech, scifi and space oriented multimedia sounds. Highly suitable as menu sounds, transitions, moving panels, Flash sound effects, sounds for games and much more. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 50 sounds: Complete LYN078 package
  • $23.00

62 sounds you might hear in a Car Workshop or other mechanical / industrial garage or workshop, including pneumatics, metal hammering, sheet metal, anvil hits, disc sander, spray paint, rattling chains and much more. WAV files, 16-bit, 44.1 khz. These sounds are in mono except where noted as stereo. [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 62 sounds: Complete Industry & Machinery Set 3 - Car Workshop
  • $28.00

45 sounds of office stationary, including pens and paper sounds, letters, envelopes and organizers, lamp switches etc. (All files include both a High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and also a CD-quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 45 sounds: Complete Office Stationary, Set 1
  • $20.00

A collection of 51 horror, sci-fi & fantasy sound effects from beyond the grave... (All files include both a High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and also a CD-quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 51 sounds: Complete Horror Sounds, Set 5
  • $27.00

A collection of 57 miscellaneous sound-fx. All sounds are 48-khz, 16-bit, stereo WAV files (Except where noted 'mono'). [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 57 sounds: Complete Various Sound Effects, Set 2
  • $27.00

A set of 50 sounds (48khz stereo WAV files) highly suitable futuristic, high-tech sound design. This is a collection of sounds you can look to again and again when creating your soundtrack -- be it for hi tech web sites, films, games or other media. (All files include both a High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and also a CD-quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 50 sounds: Complete Scifi Production Elements, Set 2
  • $18.00

45 sounds of office stationary, including pens and paper sounds, printer, stapler, stamp, scissors, tape dispensers, etc. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 45 sounds: Complete Office Stationary, Set 2
  • $19.00

60 retro sci-fi sounds, similar to those used in classic science fiction movies and TV series, Star Trek, Dr. Who and many others. (All files include both a High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and also a CD-quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 60 sounds: Complete Space & Sci-fi Set 5: Retro Sci-fi
  • $29.00

A collection of 61 pool sounds (snooker sounds, billiards sound). A good selection of ball impacts, ball rack-up, cue sounds, pocket sounds and many other billiard sounds. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 61 sounds: Complete Pool Sounds, Set 1
  • $22.00

58 sounds made from Snow and Ice. Includes footsteps on snow, ice skating, ice hockey skate slides, skiing, snowboarding, etc. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 58 sounds: Complete Snow & Ice Sounds, Set 1
  • $25.00

A collection of 58 snow and ice sounds, suitable for sound design involving skating, snowboarding, skiing, ice hockey, winter sports, etc. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 58 sounds: Complete Snow & Ice Sounds, Set 2
  • $22.00

A collection of 30 high impact explosion sounds. Rocket fire, grenade explosions, missile impacts, cars and buildings being hit by incoming fire and catching fire, debris and dirt flying, etc. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 30 sounds: Complete LYN079 package
  • $17.00

A collection of 37 pristine, beautiful nature sounds, bird sounds, peaceful countryside ambiences and forest ambiences, seagulls, etc. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 37 sounds: Complete LYN081 Nature & Environments Set 4
  • $21.00

A collection of 35 pristine, high resolution nature sounds available separately, or as a whole package. Jungle ambiences, Bird ambiences, weather, rain, thunder and thunderstorm, and more. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 35 sounds: Complete LYN082 Nature & Environments Set 5
  • $22.00

A collection of 46 sounds of large fires, forest fire, blazing infernos, burning houses, torch fires, as well as fire whooshes, swooshes (swiping a burning torch through the air, etc.) (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 46 sounds: Complete LYN085 Fire & Fireballs package
  • $24.00

A collection of 46 miscellaneous sound effects. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 46 sounds: Complete LYN086 Various Sound-FX
  • $21.00

A collection of 27 people sound effects, groups of people, crowds, chattering, walking, dining, etc. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 27 sounds: Complete LYN088 Crowd Sounds
  • $22.00

A collection 53 sounds you might hear in a kitchen. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 53 sounds: Complete LYN090 Kitchen Household
  • $24.00

A collection of 53 Digital multimedia and computer sounds for use in Flash, games, menu systems, interactive interfaces and more. Some are also highly suitable as incoming TXT Message / SMS Message cellphone sounds. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 53 sounds: Complete LYN094 Digital Clicks, Beeps & Alerts
  • $20.00

A collection of 51 sounds of digital static, electric hum, radio tuning and TV tuning, various white noise, electrical noise etc. Please note, some of these sounds are in Mono, others in Stereo. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 51 sounds: Complete LYN095 Noise & Static
  • $32.00

24 sounds of raw, dirty Hot Rod engine / driving sounds. Can also be used as Motocross, Quad bike, Dirt bike, motorbike sounds. The ones that are described as Long Sound are lengthy recordings from actually riding onboard the Hot Rod. You can cut, copy, clip and mix from these files to create multiple shorter sounds as required for your project. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 24 sounds: Complete LYN096 Hot Rod
  • $15.00

A collection of 62 metal impacts, metal hits, metal rattles, metallic scrapes, metal grind sounds, metal junk crash and so on. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 62 sounds: Complete LYN097 Metal Sounds pt 1
  • $26.00

Another collection of a further 62 metal clanks, metal junk crashes, metallic impacts, scrapes, grinds, clinks and rattles etc. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 62 sounds: Complete LYN098 Metal Sounds pt 2
  • $27.00

A collection of 87 high resolution sounds of various objects impacting, rattling, clanking together, etc. Also includes a great selection of cloth movement suitable for fights foley, arms or legs swinging, kicking, punching etc. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 87 sounds: Complete LYN099 Various Impacts
  • $33.00

A collection of 73 sounds of stone impacts, rock impact, rock tumbling, wood junk crashes, wood plank impacts, crashing rocks, rock grinding, scrape stone on stone, etc. (All files include both High Definition sound at 24-bit, 48-khz and CD quality sound at 16-bit, 44.1-khz.) [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 73 sounds: Complete LYN100 Stone & Wood
  • $29.00

A collection of 45 long sounds of the city, cityscapes, city parks, traffic and more. Most are recorded in Stockholm, Sweden. 16-bit, 44.1 khz, stereo WAV files. [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

All above 45 sounds: Complete LYN101 Sounds of the City pt 1
  • $37.00
Found 187 tracks, displaying page 1 of 4