Featuring cinematic drama score tracks composed by Caleb Smedra for small orchestra / chamber ensemble, this album contains 19 cues covering various moods and atmospheres for use to musically underscore dramas, films, TV- and film soundtracks.
The moods range from uplifting to mystical, from playful to somber and bleak, giving you a rich palette of musical backdrops to use in your film, video, podcast, audio book, or other media production.
With the Stem files included for all 19 tracks, you can put the different sounds/instruments on separate audio tracks in your project, and from there you can mute/unmute the different layers in the music according to events on your timeline, or tweak the mix of the track to your preference. Or, of course, you can choose to use the fully mixed and mastered stereo music file.
The price of the music collection includes a license to use the music commercially and in public, as per our License.
This downloadable product is an 873 MB .zip file containing all the tracks in uncompressed WAV files (16-bit, 44.1 khz). High Definition (24-bit) audio files are available on request, at no additional cost.
This product contains music that is PRO-registered. (What's this?)
Christmas Morning (Caleb Smedra)
Set of 4 Stems (01:27)
Soldier Boy Come Home
Set of 6 Stems (02:01)
Christmas Eve
Set of 6 Stems (02:38)
The Funeral
Set of 4 Stems (01:04)
Set of 5 Stems (01:37)
Visiting the Sick
Set of 5 Stems (01:30)
A Hard Earned Shilling
Set of 6 Stems (01:42)
Reconsidering the Arrangement
Set of 5 Stems (01:58)
Saying Goodbye
Set of 4 Stems (01:32)
Set of 5 Stems (01:22)
The Picnic
Set of 4 Stems (0:57)
Looking for Relatives
Set of 4 Stems (01:15)
Death of a Landlady
Set of 4 Stems (02:19)
Christmas Roses
Set of 6 Stems (01:53)
Faded Photographs
Set of 4 Stems (01:14)
A Death in the Family
Set of 7 Stems (02:34)
An Unexpected Letter
Set of 4 Stems (0:54)
The Christmas Party
Set of 5 Stems (01:00)
Once Upon an English Manor
Set of 5 Stems (0:54)