11 great, positive, eco-friendly corporate, business, IT / information oriented background tracks.
This time we have chosen an "eco-friendly" cover image for our Corporate / Business / Technology music series, because the music on this particular collection has a very positive, uplifting, "green values" type feel to it, at the same type as being future, technology and innovation oriented. The music goes well with positive messages, be it corporate, real estate, commercial, information/updates, weather forecast, or just the latest trends and updates.
Each track comes in various different edits, cuts and loops, to give you great options when editing the music to your project. All in all there are 125 music files (from 11 different main compositions).
The price of the CD includes a license to use the music commercially and in public, as per our License.
This downloadable product is a 926 MB .zip file containing all the tracks in full CD-quality uncompressed WAV files (16-bit, 44.1 khz). 24-bit WAV files are available on request.
This product contains music that is PRO-registered. (What's this?)