Dark existences beyond the horizons of a dystopian future...
This collection features 13 compositions of post apocalyptic, futuristic sci-fi and fantasy. Ranging from the dark and bleak, to the fantastic and amazing, these unique tracks will bring a chilling atmosphere to any futuristic / fantasy / science fiction project. The music has a cold, almost metallic production style and with emotional compositions carrying a sense of lost futures.
Highly suitable for film and media, video games and audio books, exhibitions, installations and more.
In addition to the 13 main tracks, there are also various edits, cuts, loops and alternative versions. All in all this product contains 70 audio files (from 13 different main compositions).
The price of the CD includes a license to use the music commercially and in public, as per our License.
This downloadable product is a 762 MB .zip file containing all the tracks in full CD-quality uncompressed WAV files (16-bit, 44.1 khz). High Definition (24-bit) audio files are available on request.
This product contains music that is PRO-registered. (What's this?)