A series of 10 eerie and mystical short cues, where Sci-Fi meets Horror meets Dark Fantasy. Deep, disturbing, nightmarish sounds that curl, twist and attack the unsuspecting listener with razor-like precision. These short cues are modern and visceral, eerie and cold, in the style of modern TV series and films.
Each cue is available in two slightly different versions/mixes; where one is labeled "Underscore version" is has a reduced number of layers/sounds included in the mix.
The price of the music collection includes a license to use the music commercially and in public, as per our License.
Formats: The download is a 22 MB .zip file containing the audio tracks in true CD-quality This downloadable product is an 85 MB .zip file containing all the tracks in full CD-quality uncompressed WAV files (16-bit, 44.1 khz). High Definition (24-bit) audio files are available on request.