An upbeat folk song that has an edginess to it. A very catchy chorus with multi-layered male and female vocals. A driving rhythm culminating in a dynamic build up and explosion in the last chorus. Instruments include mandolin, trombone, drums, bass, violin, piano.
Track details

David Harbottle is a folk musician based in the wilderness of Totnes, England. He paint pictures with his words and share stories of folk auld and new. He is a hardworking songsmith that places an emphasis on musical independence, originality and breathes new life into Traditional English Folk songs.
Having gigged extensively with his seven piece folk outfit; ‘The Friendly Cats’, David has completed three tours of Ireland, frequent tours of Italy and has appeared on Irish and Italian Television respectively.
David is now based in Devon and still plays with his folk outfit. Following on from e.p releases of 'Strangers', 'Ferrara Girl' and most recently 'Dawn Breaks', David is currently in the process of recording his debut album.
'Just to demonstrate the versatility of this guy – I still can’t quite believe how good he is’ - FolkRise
'Gorgeous vocals that come intimately to the forefront; the harmonies complimenting each other beautifully whilst each voice individually grabs and ravels you in, forcing you to listen intently' - For Folk's Sake (extract from EP review)
‘Really upbeat and kind of a lot of fun, another talented Totnes band’ – BBC Introducing